Droomvrouw van Nederland

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About Trauma Mental problems and Medicine
For about more then 20 years I have medication for 'psychose, stemmen horen'. I am an inner scientist and an outer scientist.
I have now been three times on a medication of the 'Ines' Quetipine (Seroquel), Olanzapine (given Zyprexa I get allergic reactions) and the last one was clozapine. And with all three I had the experience that my body and mind where very badly influenced, worser than other medication. My mind got 'vervormd', and with medicine I went on hearing voices. And my body, a healthy wisdomdakini body got several wrong 'bijwerkingen'.
The problem I now for sure that I got in trouble because of 'voodoo' and of living in a village where no one really cared anymore. So I felt myself pretty in the mental hospital. For a long time I got healthy dispersal, there I could manage myself very good. The Dalai Lama in spirit asked me to use that.
But it is very important that I really didn't function very well with the 'Ines'. And I didn't get a healthy conversation about that because of the attitude of the shrinks.
In a dream my 'Hina' part asked for 'pimozoide' and I changed so dramatically that it was visible for really everyone that orap / pimazoide was amazing. I felt so much better. But the problem was I got my aliveness back while clozapine was lowered, I had a sort of healing in my spirit about certain things because I didn't get with clozapine. But the lowering of clozapine went to hard. But clozapine is really very unhealthy. And with orap I could read the papaers again, I could manage my own administration again, I felt more alive, I felt myself more me and I could do my spiritual better. I felt myself alive again.
The problem I have shrink with a very unhealthy attitude who put on clozapine again. But she should have given it time. I didn't get the time to integrate who I am with orap and I think that she is inside or angry or afraid of a very alive coronabuddha.
But I would to go back to orap and to a healthy place, cause I was again removed on a unhealthy was, without real communication. And I need a home where my home is taken of with my soul family and I ask myself If I then need medication. Because I need my soulfamily or I will die and no mental health care professional has done anything to bring me in contact with a very special twin soul. So tomorrow I need to go to the police hire an advocate, but I hope some will help me. Cause I have again the wrong medication, and I other things to do in life. And things are important for the future of the planet.
And there is something else I like to have investigated. My question to trauma specialists is if the three brains, reptile, mammal and neocortex if they can make a healthy lope with medications like quetiapine, olanzapine and clozapine. Because I think that there are troubles with that and then no one should these sort of medicine but they should get real trauma care. Cause a healthy person can have a problem but solve it and then three brains make a loop. But is that possible with certain mental health care medicine. I would that to be investigated. Important is these loops can be superficial, but also very deep at soullevel. And then my shrink should ask Maggie Kline about with what she is doing with my brain. While my inner world asked for orap / pimozoide. And unfortunately I didn't get time to integrate. And otherwise I would now a very sparkling woman with healthy medication. And then she should quit her job.
Paula Hina