Droomvrouw van Nederland

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About Dreamtime, Internet and Ether
We like internet and we need internet, but it isn't healthy. Around the world their is the spirit-ether of Mother Earth - Gaia, Dreamtime. Every idea, the dreamworld, the collective mind it houses in Dreamtime. And we as human beings are part of it as spiritual beings with a mind that is connected to the collective mind of the earth. It's were dreams start. And internet with it's streaming, downloading and internet speed is crossing 'dwars' through it. And we grow from the nineties from 1g to 5g. There was a movement who tried to prove how 5g is bad for the health of human beings and nature. And I ask myself is there a relation between the growth of 'verwarden' on the streets and the speeding and higher interlevels. I don't know if it's scientifically proved.
Wifi and Dreams
But some people really advice to put out wifi to have a healthier sleep, with also healthier dreaming. And dreaming is very important for our soul. We can digest our life at day, we can travel backwards, as digestion dreams, we can see the 'now' in dreams and we van travel forward in dreams. And my Trauma Teacher Raja Selvam said 'dreams are therapy-sessions of God'.
Internet frequencies
And somehow I found out with my high sensitivity that certain frequencies of internet are better and some are disturbing. And I ask myself can we have a healing frequency internet in tune with dreamtime. But then I believe we have to lower the internet level.
And there a certain products to protect us from radiation from all electronic internet recources. You can find it on internet. So as modern society we can't live with out it anymore, but how healthy internet is or if we can try to have a healing ethernet / internet again. With various healthy frequencies. That is something mathematically.
I hope somehow people become aware how are spirit world of our planet, our dreaming world of the planet and of ourself are influenced by internet. And doubling the speed isn't healthy, for body mind and spirit of ourselves, our nature, and our animals. And what I am asking myself is it also causing climate change speeding up an inter global around the world. Has that influence on our weather and climate. But I don't know if that is investigated.