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How to go on now in this changing world with moneyproblemens, gas/oil problems. 


Children need every where a safe School were they can keep on learning, maybe with new prescritures from corona. Schools must be cleansed at the different way with a different mixture. Also we must be careful with this instinctive dangerous virus. But teachers should maybe also more time to be creative about what they ought to teach, maybe in interaction with the children. And then children can maybe have fun again while they are learning important lessons. It is so important that children keep liking learning, and learn healthy things, also learn how to be a healthy emotionally grownup person. But sometimes you have followed the wrong influencers, try other influencers. They can help you by letting go wrong views of reality and having a healthy vision of where our planet is heading 'the rainbow golden kathedrale' planet. 


We have now gas problems and we need healthy governments now who protect us from the games that played at the free market now. We have war and that is horrible. But we must work together that every living being has a home with a healthy temperature, but some degrees lower than normal, just wear a sweater. 


The medical industry have gone too far. They intervene in such delicate processes of young people but also older people and don't understand what the soul wants to experience. And thee human body has a deeper intelligent. And for some things you really need to go to the doctor, but he can't see or maybe she what your soul wants to learn out of this sickness-rices. And we have a difficulty we have now corona but we have to relate with it as human beings and as societies and as humnity. And al is connected. But taking measurements that are more 'alternatieve' willl give you a boost to go through winter. And I hope and know a better vaccin is on the way. 


But war now on this planet, I don't know the true history, but threatening with nuclear weapons should not be the reality while the planet needs to adjust to a new climate. So please have healthier negotiations and try solve problems. Cause the planet has on soul level a sort picture of how borders should be, or how they should become if we dare to listen. So please leaders of this planet take in new positions try  to get the trust back and rearrange some things. Be cause for long the earth was black but I see a peaceful rainbow ether now. 


So please come the table of Paula 


bye Paula  Hina



© 2019 by Paula Benthem.  Proudly created with and Wisemice


Paula Benthem 



Taking care of eachother is also good care for ourselves and is good care of our planet Mother Earth


And I have a mission that every one has a soul mission and is willing to fight for that. I like bring people in contact with their own power and their own weaknesses so that they grow into new people who care for this planet. 


Follow Your Heart That's a Better Routeplanner / Guide in Life, cause it has millions more neurons then the brains, but how many neurons has the Gut, but healthy brains begins with a healthy 'Darmflora'


Sometimes you have to Walk, Think and Feel, to make the right discisions (beslissingen). 


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