Droomvrouw van Nederland

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This Upcoming Night can be a Rainbownight or a Disaster Saturday -Sunday 28-29 oktober
This Upcoming Night is the Solstice night the change between summertime and wintertime and dreamtime, in our dreamlike there can de every where dreaming by a pure dreaming oracle what has become beautifuller, but then there must de listened to me The Rainbow Warrior. I like to have a night in my own home now, at mental institution were they liked to kill me and still don't listen to the wise elders of Tibet. But listen to hateful family.
But for every human being it can be a beautiful night only if I am respected and honounered
now. But I hope so, I asked so many times but there still destructing me, so that's why I look al little tired on my videos upcoming Sunday. About two fairytales and 1 story about Jozef from the Bible the dreamer.
So put out your phone and wifi upcoming night and give yourself over to or a beautiful rainbow night or a disaster, but I can't do anything about it. It's now up to the judge ; ). But in daytime or dreamtime?
Aho Paula