Droomvrouw van Nederland

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A Way of Coping this virus and situation
This pandemic really messes up our lives. We all struggle in some form of this virus. It's a situation of loss and grief. Loss of health, loss of financial security, loss of a perspective of the future, loss of social encounter and how do we deal with that. Our normal lives have come different. But this is a time of transformation. And with having a good huisje boompje beestje you can manage the best. It is important to have a stable huisje boompje beestje.
This virus messes also up many body systems and our body's have to fight like an animal to survive. Many have difficulties with managing this virus and become very ill or die but also many are more asymptomatic or less ill. But for us all counts that our immuunsysteem will have to adjust to this virus, we all do, we all will encounter in some form this virus and then we have to cope. But the question is if a vaccin is the answer for that. Many people do want to life as soon as possible in a return to the old way. But we really should ask our body's if our body wants to adjust to this virus through a vaccine or through an other way and also with vaccin. it's a difficult thing because it's an individual question that relates to the whole society.
But we as individuals and as societies have to cope now to a severe situation of loss of our normal lives. We have to cope too suffering. And on this scale that is new. So somehow being together in 'hetzelfde schuitje' helps to adjust to this momentum of suffering. But how do we cope individually, how do we manage this disease but also the stress of all the consequences for our normal lives that have become so different. And that ask a lot.
We should ask ourselves what is really important, what really matters, and relate to a new 'parameters' 'een nieuwe lat' to specific things in life. A lot of things have changed, but will stay changed or will transform in to a different way. That is why it is so important to have a good huisje boompje beestje to have a place where you can stay to transform with this process of transform of society.
We have to think about a new future, where many things will have different meaning, and will have to be organized differently and what is important then in our lives. We also have to adjust to a new climate, so we really have consider, how can I adjust to this virus with my body-immunesystem, and how can I adjust my life to this new form of living where shaking hands and being close is difficult, and I can I be with my new living with a little less footprint for our planet.
Our planet does not like this scale of suffering on the planet, our old way of living has dramatically changed, and so many people do have very bad immuunsystem reaction to this virus and our 'gemeenschapsleven of kuddedieren' is under thread. And that is a very difficult thing, because we are social human beings, who need to be together, to celebrate, learn, work life and now this all is under thread. But how do we cope this loss of our kuddedierenleven and how do we relate to suffering and how do we manage our stress, that is the question now. And how can we adjust to a new way of living with a new very dangerous virus. But we all should ask our body's if we want to adjust with a vaccins and which one.