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In Deep Honouring to the deep endless precious that is deep within ourselves, within each other, where are not allowed to mess around with and is existence itself, which we may not almost destroy again.


There was a time where everything was funny about me, but you for 'de zoveelste keer' pretty dangerous blind and conflicted busy where with the planet and me, then life again becomes very dangerous. Yesterday at the right churches there where revelations guided by the right church with the right mandala. And now we have a rainbow planet. 


But we need a clearing of our unconsciousness at a dep core level. Sometimes having a psychose with a protecting spirit is healthy to become cleared I called it a 'zuiveringspsychose'. But with the medications the healing loop between limbic, instinct, gut brain, 'zoogdierenbrein' intuitive heartcoherent brain, and neocortex, where al the story's are with a health or distorted speech. These three brains need to have a healthy connection, on a very deep level. But traumatized people don't have a healthy loop and need help with getting a healthy loop. But then your body your living archive of your blueprint needs to be restored and healthy. But really people that's the revelation, that is possible. Oh my goodness, I survived over and over against a healthy 'verwerking' about is possible also about dreaming, but then you also need healthy 'stofjes in the hersenen'. And I don't now exactly how that works. Sometimes you get healthy learning dreams, healthy warming dreams, healthy visions in dreams, healthy guidance in dreams, pictures of how it, was or becomes. And then you have to have the guts, the possibilities and the help to get it rearranging. 


But then planet is new now and we need to become aware if we guided by the conscious and unconscious influencers we have had. but we can let go of wrong influences and have a more clear or healthy idea of how to go on. But we nee spiritual protection and nice helping people around you. But there happened something with internet, with our blueprint, with our concciousness. And now we have to recover again on our own way, taking responsibilitie for the faults we made en taking new discussions / beslissingen how to maintain this healthier planet. 


But I saw if you are intone and if you have the willing then you can do a sort of inneryoge where can release all your inner toxins and demons and wrong thoughts. So give it time, be aware of your longings and pray to god for the next step. 


But we are in a healing phase, Mother Earth, Gaia was in danger again, but can be restored to a more peaceful planet. 



Have a healthy day, and soon I will be writing again!!. 


With loving care for all living beings, Paula, Hoeder van de Ziel van de Aarde, Boedhamoeder in Dromen met een kopje koffie op de bank, Rainbowwarrior. 

© 2019 by Paula Benthem.  Proudly created with and Wisemice


Paula Benthem 



Taking care of eachother is also good care for ourselves and is good care of our planet Mother Earth


And I have a mission that every one has a soul mission and is willing to fight for that. I like bring people in contact with their own power and their own weaknesses so that they grow into new people who care for this planet. 


Follow Your Heart That's a Better Routeplanner / Guide in Life, cause it has millions more neurons then the brains, but how many neurons has the Gut, but healthy brains begins with a healthy 'Darmflora'


Sometimes you have to Walk, Think and Feel, to make the right discisions (beslissingen). 


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