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Letting Go and Taking In


Sometimes difficult processes come together in a special time. It's a proces of letting go and taking in. Sharp choices have te be made and are done. One has to choose what do I like and what do Iprefer. Working together in a cohesive pattern makes making choices easier. But looking far away in the future is difficult nowadays. You have to take in account that the true future is insecure. That making plans for faraway ahead is almost impossible. New times are coming. Where making choices of keeping your clothes and food together will have to be made on and on. Then you continually have to be compromised to a purpose of keeping a specific order for everyone on the planet. Everyone needs to have a little food, clothing, a house and a nice environment where you belong, where you matter and where you make the difference. Not everything is possible anymore because life on planet Earth, Mother Earth is threatened. See the very painful fires around the world, the strong winds, the climate change, the very dirty oceans, weather temperature that is rising everywhere. This makes are ecosystem very delicate. We have to preserve what we have, and we can and we will. People really know now that we have te be careful with the preciousness of life, not all, but enough people are working their ass off to preserve what we have. Also what we have in common. Being human, being vulnerable and strong at the same time. We need te take care for eachother, and together we will be stronger, I can feel it, goosebumps all around. We can fight these problems together. New ways of living are evolving at many levels. New connections are being made and that will give an explosion of renewal Mother Earth will like. And Mother Earth is strong, always was and will be, but we will have to work together with Mother Earth because her body is threatened... but her shapes are in a new way evolving. People can make the difference right now. Many new plans are made and religion and knowledge from the university come together now. Praying and belonging will work our way out. But not everything is useful. Dissisions have to be made for what we can keep and what we have to let go. Not everything is possible anymore if we want te survive together. But being save at the right place where you belong, is keeping your head up high in the rough winds. 


Let's stick together and work our way out in the problems of our time... and taking a nap helps.. new inspiration will find your way if you take a break and so it will be. Faraway fortunetelling is over.. you can't see so much ahead. Taking a break and make the next step is al there is and already al that was. Walking is taking a step, one by one, sometimes 'slenterend' and sometimes jogging, just in the pace you like and need. 


New economics are arising, being meaningful for eachother, a new appreciation of money, being circular, 'kringloopeconomie'... new terms are invented at the same time... because belonging is resonating everywhere... not everywhere but enough to keep going at the right pace.. 


I need to take a break right now, with a little wine, a little walk and some nice shelter and that's all there is for everyone right now... 



Lean in the wind with your head up high, stubborn as we are, we can protect ourselves with it... 

© 2019 by Paula Benthem.  Proudly created with and Wisemice


Paula Benthem 



Taking care of eachother is also good care for ourselves and is good care of our planet Mother Earth


And I have a mission that every one has a soul mission and is willing to fight for that. I like bring people in contact with their own power and their own weaknesses so that they grow into new people who care for this planet. 


Follow Your Heart That's a Better Routeplanner / Guide in Life, cause it has millions more neurons then the brains, but how many neurons has the Gut, but healthy brains begins with a healthy 'Darmflora'


Sometimes you have to Walk, Think and Feel, to make the right discisions (beslissingen). 


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