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About a Healthy Relationship with yourself

Somehow I was known about porno, but I am not porno at all. But a healthy relationship with your libido is very constructive. So I tried 'Vallei-orgasme' van Reineid Eleveld a Taoist in Holland. But I stopped when I learned that overtraining would stop the cyclus of becoming pregnant.

But to have a healthier Body Mind and Soul I recommend Yoga, T'ai Chi and a healthy Libido, not at an ordinair level, but at a self loving relationship with yourself, but a healthy orgasm can make you very healthy. But your chakra's can also have an orgasm without masturbating, but just by relaxation. 

And I have had many encounters in dancing with men and a few with sex, but is always exploring, sometimes in love sometimes enyoning the dance of coming closer and going away again, but that way I developed my inner woman and my inner man. 

But every time I masturbated my own I missed the connection with a loving partner. But at a special level I have a different sex now with 22 souls at distance with a different kind of orgasm. not erection sex but only the males can explain and I have orgasm that are at a way I could never imaginate. The only thing I knew when I quit my first relationship with a man where I had penetration. I would have in the future a relationship with someone, but I didn't know it were more with an amazing sex, just because we belong to each other. And that is possible with every one but then you have to wait for your beloved. Your twin soul. But somehow I have 22 Souls I belong too. So the Bible revealed somewhere. 

But please be careful with every sexual encounter, because if it's not with the right partner it causeless trouble in your Yoni as a women. And I have waited a long time for this special relationship. But hopefully soon psychically. 

Paula Benthem 

What's all about is to embody your body mind and soul again with consciousness, and to enjoy the pleasures God build in each chakra. And then the most beautiful Biblebook is I think 'Hooglied' of Salomo

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