Droomvrouw van Nederland

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How to really beat Corona
Corona was a disease that was instinctively dangerous for us as humankind and as individual human. There were strange rules about who to contact who not divided by generations caused by vaccins and 'inentingen'. And if we really want to beat Corona we must become really embodied and have a sort healing from out natural immuunsysteem. And Mother Earth disliked Mrna vaccin. Because corona and the Mrna vaccin did something to our DNA. It has changed but can be regenerated, but then we must do embodied yoga, with trauma release. That can de learned but only by a few. And for traumarelease we must feel safe.
This corona had to be beaten from out our core immuunstelsel, by going to healthy sicknessproces. But we wanted to fast, we wanted to fast back to normal and somehow be protected by vaccinthat is also causing at a deeper level trouble. The human Body is way complexer and interrelated by all the body soul systems in our body that needs to heal and reconnect again. And we had to wait for an 'eiwit' vaccin from Sanofi. But it was obscured and taken over by Pfizer. And now we have massvaccination with a vaccin that attacks and the human DNAcode, and that was not the intention, not of The Who,not of the leaders, they didn't take enough time to consider some facts because humanity wanted to go as soon as possible out of our lockdowns.
But we now a combined flu, coldness and corona. But corona has a strange DNA. And only embodied trauma yoga release can give us a really healthy bode back.
There is a movie about it when I was in a mental hospital ws tried out corona on me. But I cured it. And the there is something with Albumine in my blood. But I am more that that.
So please free me from this prison. I would like to give rainbow dreams to every human being how to heal and what to do with their lives to every human body who is connected to me.
Aho, Amen, Halleluja, Paula Hina Jampa Dawa Benthem