Droomvrouw van Nederland

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New ways of living together
We have to find new ways of living together, that is needed to survive. This coronovirus is dangerous and we have to life in a new appropriate way together, We can't be at the right distance of eachother, but if we have love vibes to one another, if we see eachother as precious beings who also wants to be loved, who also needs affection, and who also needs care, then we can stay close. If we see eachother as a new human family crashing through a disastrous sickness we can survive. Because really Love and honouring of us all will make us save. It's about honouring. But also about hygiene, we have to wash our hands and be careful with touching, especially when we don't have a real deeper Love and honouring relationship as friends or partners or as mother or father. Real Love can protect us from this dangerous virus.
But sometimes it is difficult to feel real Love, because there is hurt, but sharing your hurt and being vulnerable will open hearts, and that's the real reason why we can be protected from this virus. With a real honest, open heart, facing real difficult problems, but really with the right attitude to one another, we can give eachtother in a different way a sort of groups hug. Not on a psychical level, but as being part of the human family we are.
We have to step over our differences and see that we share our humanness, that we all are deep down precious and that we need te be taken care of. The government shared that we have to live through a sort of epidemic while creating a groups immunity, and that is how we have face this corona. It's the only way.
But we have to face that this is a dangerous virus and we really have to take new hygienic ways of living. But something deeper is protecting us. Mother Nature really wants us to life through this together and that's why we have to face all the troubles occurring now in this way. Sharing what we have, ask for what we need, giving eachother what we have to give eachother, because we want us all to survive.
But there is something special, it hurts us all, really all the troubles will shake us in our simple way of living, do I have money next month, will I keep my house, will I see my loved ones. And this is a momentum to really stand up and rise, really stand up and rise give ourselves a new body of trusting connection. Of really face this crucial problem together and go a level deeper in deep trust of that Love and Honouring eachother is stronger. Loving and taking care of eachother is now crucial for us all to face this horrible disease.
And the birds are singing, the new spring is coming, but it's a total new spring, with an economy collapsing. But if we have the guts and the faith to now believe that being strong and wise and honouring for eachother problems, we can have a total new way of living together and having a nice summer. Maybe we have to switch jobs, maybe we have to really decide which roles and jobs are vital right now, that have to go on. And maybe you like it to serve ourselves by taking in a different role, by really asking around what can I mean for you, how can I help you and how can I serve now our beautiful country.
And some people have really a nice home, love vibes in their home and that's why they are strong. But share your Love vibes right now, If you have Love in plenty share it, because that's needed to survive. That's how we create that groups immunity. Because in the end Love is really stronger, I can feel my goosebumps, Love will make us survive. A new way of living can be born now, right now in this spring.
And take also care of yourself, because we all will have hurt. We all will have troubles and then we need eachother, we really need us all, all ones here in this dutch nation. We have a stubborn mentality and that's why it works. We can hold eachother in a appropriate distance but as one family. And then we are stronger, I can hear the birds sing their songs right now, right now in this new dawn.
But protect yourself also, by washing your hands, and sneezing in your arm, and wash your clothes I a good way. We have to be cleansed over and over again. A good way of housekeeping is needed and new instructions about that have to be spread.
But that's the key, praying and intention makes us stronger. If you really wash your hands with good soap and ask at the same time for a protection it works. And there are special songs made right now happy songs, but some mantra's are stronger. But happy songs just the ones you like, with the intention and praise for protection can help you right now.
And knowing that you are part of eachother, knowing that we belong to eachother is how we are protected. Being part now of one big nationwide family caring for eachother, asking for what we need, believing and trusting that together we can face this problem will make us through. But we need gut's, we need to be strong but also show our hurt when we are hurt. Because sharing our tears, sharing our hurt and being helped is also protecting, because really Love protects us now. That's how we are protected.
Honor your own life story, honor the story of your neighbor, honor why we are in this problem now and share your hurt, your courage, your money, your food, your qualities, and your humanness... that's the way we can make it. That's the 'till death do us part' for all of us. But the secret that death will come later of you love and honor yourself now and the other. That is how we will survive...
Give thanks for what you are, what you have and who you are... you were created, you were scratched in the album of living on this Mother Earth, so be proud of who you are, be really strong and step with all the courage you have in your heart in this new way of living in a new dawn with a collapsed economy, with people with hurt, with people with troubles. And maybe we can't shake hands, but we can look to eachother and know that we belong... that's we will survive... but it's a hell of job, but if we really have the gut's, we will make it heaven for us all! And that's really possible, I know, In my heart that that is really possible, but it's a deep step in a new way of living together as one!
Come on, let's do this and let's face this... for our Mother Earth needs us, with all the ones alive!
Maybe it is time to look in a new way to eachother and see the strength and the fulnerability, everyone has a strong side and a weak side, standing right to eachother, shoulder to shoulder, shaking hands with our feet or elbows... then light is shining and we will life on... because our eyes shine of Love... and when some one doesn't glow, give that precious one a new way of hugging, letting this precious human being that he or she belongs and that he or she is needed in a new fashion way.
This is how the 'kudde van families' will life on now and forever with the blessing of the unendless preciousness ourselves.... But trust the government now they now, trust that they will guide us through... because it will be painful for us all, we will all have troubles and only, only if we have the guts to share and feel that we belong to everyone right now is gonna make us through..