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About the New World appearing when a real soulconflict is dissolved


I was born on a special farm "Groot Klooster" van Warffum, a little village on the Hogeland of the visions province of the world. Where the buddhist, christians satanist visions come together to create a New Page in the History of Human Kind. There was a big mistake about my Being, daughter of a christian family connected to Hantum where the buddhist Lama Gawang made a Stupa, but there was a stupid conflict in my village where I lived for 10 years Garnwerd, exactly on the crossroads of Hantum and Warffum. 


But something is restored and I see a Golden Netherlands with Wallonie with a star in the North of Groningen. And I've had a sort of wish or dream or fattasy about living again on the farm where I have safely grown up as a rebel puber, but would like to return as the protector of dreamtime with my soul family and I think it would be wise for our Human Mankind. To let me have the profession where I have grown to. being Moon of Love in the mind of people who have refuge, and the Planet Gaia can return to a livable planet where we telepathically talk with our animals have healthy community living, have healthy 'duurzame' companies, and healthy leaders who guide that also by Moon of Love in their Mind so it would be wise to follow that. Let us be compassionate intelligent beings now on a planet that is in danger of losing important ecosystems that sustain us. But I think people realize that a computer and AI have no soul, and the can beter to disturb the Ocean Living of important Archive Holders of our planet (Whales) with sonars that disturb their Window of Tolerance and their way of living. And also the playful group healing living of Dolphins. And that is'n possible with a AI Dolphin.  


And in this time of Ethnic Believe Conflicts I like Holland to be a healthy example of a Multicultural democratic, liberal, socials and Green country where we say 'Sorry ' when it's needed also for crimes long ago. Where we can peacefully demonstrate for things that are important. Where talk our way out of conflicts instead of fighting. Where a multi plural parlement with all colors of the rainbow. And where two cultures or believes can sleep in the same bed. Where there is respect for every person, for they have their unique blueprint fingerprint and irisscan. And we are all woven in our Mothers Womb by the dance between the masculine and the female principle of life, Wisdom and Compassion. And let us pray that this planet stay's the rainbow planet that it became by a special protector of Dreamtime. And it is Important to understand that the Golden 'Poort' was kept open by the soul of Mark Rutte and me in person walking in the woods of Zuidlaren, and it is I believe the start of the planet as the Golden Jerusalem. And If we realize the every where then we have a golden planet as I see now, with one, no more stars, but the Nasa must reveal where. 


And we have te realize that all spiritual texts come together in qauntum mechanica. And in my life some spiritual laws of the Bible where broken by my one family and friends and saying sorry is the only way out, to have normal relations again, or a peaceful saying goodbye. 


For now, AHO, 


I need to redecorate my temporarily apartment


Paula Hina Jampa Dawa Benthem 


(and now the Moari's are back again in my Herberg van de Ziel room / Dreaming yoni Womb)

© 2019 by Paula Benthem.  Proudly created with and Wisemice


Paula Benthem 



Taking care of eachother is also good care for ourselves and is good care of our planet Mother Earth


And I have a mission that every one has a soul mission and is willing to fight for that. I like bring people in contact with their own power and their own weaknesses so that they grow into new people who care for this planet. 


Follow Your Heart That's a Better Routeplanner / Guide in Life, cause it has millions more neurons then the brains, but how many neurons has the Gut, but healthy brains begins with a healthy 'Darmflora'


Sometimes you have to Walk, Think and Feel, to make the right discisions (beslissingen). 


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