Droomvrouw van Nederland
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About Psychosis
A psychosis is a very spiritual experience of God and if you don't take that serious, problems arise. But if you can't understand as a practitioner, try to be a healthier listener. But if you don't take it serious, then problems can arise.
A psychoses is a very situation and manifestation of the mind, sometimes as a spiritual revelation, sometimes as working through of trauma of the soul. But always it are processes of the soul, and if you don't believe in God then you're wrong. Somehow some people are more sensitive to it, you can call them HSP, not all. Sometimes it's a travel and working through of memory's. But with the right guide it can be a healing experience that needs to guided by safe healthy attached people, who travelled through their own traumas and are healthy embodied beings. But you must not interfere too much with medications if you don't know the relation of the healing pattern that can occur about healing the brain by connecting the healthy loop between limbic, brain, mammal brain and neocortex. But this is sometimes a travel of life. But it's important to have a healthy present guide. I don't; know how they do that in Norway where you have the choice between a care with or without medication.
But somehow it's important to know the deeper intelligence of the body and that can create a healthy aura. And if disturb that with the wrong toxins, then deeper healing isn't possible. So don't destroy a healthy aura, but protect it on a healthy way with mantra's Audra, healthy patterns. And with some medications you are very fulnreble for entities, so that is also the problem.
My experiences now is that my mind trouble only became with voodoo, that 'vervormde' my consciousness. But medications sometimes also disturbed my developing consciousness. My experience now of 22 years of medications is that pines destroy a healthy brain that can create a healthy aura. The is a book about it about healing the aura from out of the body with trauma. .
A healthier way is to create a healthier environment for the patient who is in care, but that needs to be a safe attached environment, otherwise you can never heal. And healing is possible especially if you have an inner healthy guru, but therefore you to have a wise distinction. . But an inner guru guides in mental processes that gives advice as healthy guide.
So people who are responsible for that are needing a special environment with extra healthy people. But they need to reflect on their own healthiness and learn form it.
So please be care fully with me, I am healthy higher realized being with refuge, don't make a power game with that.
Paula, Gyan Amrita, Jampa Dawa, Deva Che, Dorje Shugden, Hina, Haseya.
Channeled from Maria