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Life in Circles

Everything in life is in circles. We have the seasons of our weather, winter, spring, summer, autumn. We have the circles of our live being concepten, being born being a growing child, being an adolescent, being an adult, and being an elder, who should make wise discissions for the whole community. And when we d ie we return to Heaven and wait a while to return again. That's why I like the Ankh more than the cross, but I don't if I then make Christians angry, cause that's my intention. Cause I believe In Jezus as holy, because he could heal people, he crossed the borders of cultural convictions, and died with pain but not with agony, but with compassion, in een deep communion with his Father, God, he asked 'May Thee Will be Happening" and he was the great example and inspiration for milliards of people. But he likes to returns so as ones was told. But reincarnation is more complex to explain, cause the personalities stay excisting while the souls returns in a new personality. Very unique. As the circles of life come together in a mandala. Also in the circles of body systems. In our ecosystems and we need to respect and restore those circles with the knowledge of wise elders. That's why we need 'kringloopeconomie' based on the laws of ecosystems. And let our food be a mandala of healthy nutrients. And Bless it before you eat, it helps. And makes it tastefullier. 

Amen, Halleluja, Aho, Paula (meaning Humble - Deemoed) 

My mandala for Christmas_edited.jpg
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