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Time for change


This is a new time, where old ways of living are failing and are crumbled down. We feel we want to go back to that, or not. But we can't go back, we have to forward and ask ourselves what we really want and what we really believe in. Isn't it a better future for our children, a planet that does provide for us all. But then we have to change our way of living. We don't have a planet where it is kind for us all. Many countries struggle with food, many people struggle with their money, we can't let that happen. We are human beings belonging to this planet and Mother Earth does want to provide for us all, but then we have to change our ways. We have to realize that wealth is not honest divided, that our ways of living are to harmful for our planet. So we have to turn around and change, for the sake of all. 


For our children we have to change our way of living. By recognizing that we are interdependent to all people everywhere in the world. We can't let it happen that this virus divides us. We have to build up a new system where wealth and food is shared with us all everywhere on this planet. We can't look away that our pattern of living has been destructive, Mother Earth can't provide for this way of living anymore, the will shake it off, she is crying inside for so much hurt. But hurt can be an opening, it can be an awakening of how we want it to be. 


We have to work together. This virus is going deep into our system, people died of it and it's fighting our core, our essence. So we have to fight back, to working together for a better way of living for everyone on this planet. This virus is repattering us physically, but also a cry out to change. To change our way of connecting. To realise that we should build up our way of living in a new way. We can't go back to our old way of living, it was harmful to this planet and to many people. 


So become still and really ask yourself what do I really want? We want to be happy, but maybe we can be happy with a simpler way of living. Where we provide for everyone. And realise that we are interconnected to everyone. If one is unhappy, we feel that in ourselves. Also if that is somewhere else on the planet. We are bonded by the grace of God, by our unconsciousness that is everywhere around. So we do feel it if somewhere in the chain there is hurt, and we can't look away anymore. 


This is the time rise up and build a new system that is caring and loving for everyone. We should realise that our way of living here is affecting everything around. We are one human family of different cultures, lands and nations, but together we form humanity. That needs to survive and thrive in a new different pattern that is in rhythm with our Mother Earth. We were very out of rhythm, Deep out of rhythm. So take this pause and repattern yourself and know by heart that a turning is now possible. A new way of living is now within reach. Where we realise that there is only one planet we belong to, this planet, that is so fulnerable. And we have to change to honour her. She is crying out for so much hurt. But this is the opening, hurt can make us change our way. So let us be changed, let us be wise and realise that this new situation can open our eyes to our own inner being, but also to al the other human being that lives on this planet with precious inner core. And with that preciousness we all share we can be strong and creative to change and fall back in a new rhythm that can be in rhythm with our Mother Earth. 


So become still, and know from deep within what your part of this change is... become still, take a breath and let you feel that we are vulnerable and strong at the same time. Bonded by our interconnectedness to us all and that we have to take care step by step creating a new pattern that does provide for us all, by letting go of old patterns and realise that this is the time to change! 


Believe that change and new way living is possible and is arising in this way.... for the health of us all, by interconnecting and working together for the sake of us all... 



© 2019 by Paula Benthem.  Proudly created with and Wisemice


Paula Benthem 



Taking care of eachother is also good care for ourselves and is good care of our planet Mother Earth


And I have a mission that every one has a soul mission and is willing to fight for that. I like bring people in contact with their own power and their own weaknesses so that they grow into new people who care for this planet. 


Follow Your Heart That's a Better Routeplanner / Guide in Life, cause it has millions more neurons then the brains, but how many neurons has the Gut, but healthy brains begins with a healthy 'Darmflora'


Sometimes you have to Walk, Think and Feel, to make the right discisions (beslissingen). 


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